Students With Disabilities & Special Needs Transportation Video Camera

Students With Disabilities Transit Surveillance & Special Needs Transportation Video Camera

Students With Disabilities & Special Needs Bus Camera 

Live View Special Needs Students Bus Camera System

Transporting Students with Disabilities, Special Needs Bus and Wheelchair buses require a higher level of oversight, as their higher level of needs provides increased risk to the safety of the Students with Disabilities, Special Needs Pupils who may require Wheelchair bus accommodation. Higher liability concerns for those transporting Students with Disabilities, Special Needs Pupils in wheelchair lift buses often require a higher level of documentation to ensure that both the disabled students being transported and the transporters are supported when necessary by a wide field of view mobile video security surveillance system to provide expert witness in case of incident or accident.

For examples of why you need cameras on school buses, click here: Videos

Students With Disabilities & Special Needs Wheelchair Bus Video System  

This is the 3-Axis Accelerometer version of a conventional mobile video solution system that can monitor and document Dangerous Driving Behaviors, such as; hard turns, rapid acceleration, hard braking, impacts like curbs or speed bumps at high speed, or impacts like a crash that may go unreported if the driver does not notice it.
Similar in many ways to a school bus camera system with the exception of the number of cameras and locations. In the Students with Disabilities, Special Needs Pupils who may require Wheelchair bus accommodation surveillance application; we require additional cameras due to the higher demands placed on the transporter, especially where wheelchair bus lifts or possibility those transported may have medical issues that require hands-on assistance. In these vehicles, it is a good idea to dedicate a camera to each area of interest, driver stairwell, wheelchair lift door, wheelchair stations, and general overview of the bus passengers.

Some Students with Disabilities and Special Needs Pupils being transported will require seat belt harnesses which require the driver or aid to attach the strap and belt harness to disabled or handicapped pupils being transported in the bus. This often involves physical contact between the driver or aid and the disabled or handicapped pupils being transported in the bus and this is where perceptions of those disabled or handicapped pupils being transported in the bus may differ from the perceptions of the driver or aid. Some harness straps may require reaching under private areas of students.

Disabled or handicapped pupils being transported in the bus may have impaired cognitive development and or maybe be under the influence of medication prescribed for a medical condition, and this may distort what they perceive is actually happening when a driver or aid straps them into their safety harness. Students with disabilities, disabled or handicapped students may experience fear or apprehension during this process and often recount events and details differently than others who may have seen the same events, so it is important to have a fact-based, impartial document of what actually happened that is not subject to bias for the driver or the student. Special needs transportation bus or short bus (minibus on truck frame) applications may benefit from the added documentation from a multi-camera onboard security surveillance observation camera system to make it possible to verify or disprove abuse that might have been perceived or reported.

The high-resolution cameras (1-4) are separated from the mobile DVR and can be positioned where needed to provide a much better vehicle camera coverage. The 100% solid State mobile DVR is secured in a steel locking enclosure to protect the SD memory card from driver tampering and criminal assaults. This version provides high-resolution images and long record memory storage on 128 GB SDXC 100% solid-state cards for 60-800 hours of video recording storage, depending on the number of cameras and settings. 

"Industrial Grade" 1080P School Bus Camera 
(1TB SSD 100% Solid State capacity, Waterproof, Wider FOV cameras, Lifetime System Warranty optional)

SS4 "Industrial Grade" School Bus Camera System Pricing:

SS4-1...1-Camera Special Needs Student Transportation Public School & Contractor Bus Video Surveillance $1,300 - $1,500
SS4-2 …2-Camera Special Needs Student Transportation Public School & Contractor Bus Video Surveillance $1,400 - $1,600
SS4-3 …3-Camera Students with Disabilities Wheeldhair Lift Public School & Contractor Bus Surveillance $1,500 - $1,700
SS4-4 …4-Camera Students with Disabilities Wheeldhair Lift Public School & Contractor Bus Surveillance $1,600 - $1,800
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SS4GW "Industrial Grade" School Bus Camera GPS & Wi-Fi System Pricing:

SS4GW-1 ...1-Camera GPS  Wheelchair Lift Special Needs Students Onboard Security Bus Camera  $1,400 - $1,600
SS4GW-2 …2-Camera GPS Wheelchair Lift Special Needs Students Onboard Security Bus Camera   $1,500 - $1,700
SS4GW-3 …3-Camera GPS Pupil Transportation School Bus Video Safety Security Video Surveillance $1,600 - $1,800
SS4GW-4 …4-Camera GPS  Pupil Transportation School Bus Video Safety Security Video Surveillance $1,700 - $1,900
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"Standard Grade" High Definition Systems
(256GB 100% Solid State capacity, Lifetime System Warranty optional)   

SD4FHD HD System Pricing:

SD4FHD-1 ...1-Camera Special Needs Student Transportation Camera Bus Video Surveillance $650 - $750
SD4FHD-2…2-Camera Special Needs Student Transportation Camera Bus Video Surveillance $750 - $850
SD4FHD-3…3-Camera Short Bus Pupil with Disabilities Transportation Camera Child Safety Solution $850 - $950
SD4FHD-4…4-Camera Short Bus Pupil with Disabilities Transportation Camera Child Safety Solution $950 - $1,050
Testudo Lifetime System Warranty optional
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SD4FHW GPS & Wi-F HD System Pricing:

SD4FHW-1 ...1-Camera  GPS & Wi-Fi Student Transit School Bus Camera Video Surveillance $750 - $850
SD4FHW-2 …2-Camera  GPS & Wi-Fi Student Transit School Bus Camera Video Surveillance $850 - $950
SD4FHW-3 …3-Camera Short Bus Pupil with Disabilities Transportation Camera Child Safety Solution $950 - $1,050
SD4FHW-4 …4-Camera Short Bus Pupil with Disabilities Transportation Camera Child Safety Solution $1,050 - $1,150
Testudo Lifetime System Warranty optional
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Live View Students With Disabilities Wheelchair Bus & 

Real-Time Special Needs Bus Camera System Surveillance  

This is the 3G Live View Bus Camera System that can offer 3G/4G Cellular Live Feed Video observation by management.

This is the 4G Cellular Live View 3-Axis Accelerometer version of the conventional mobile video solution system, for those who require Live View video security surveillance camera access for Students with Disabilities and Special Needs Pupils being transported.

Live GPS Tracking, Live Alerts for Geo-Fence violations, Live Alerts for Driver Panic Button activation in case of medical emergency for one of the Students with Disabilities and Special Needs Pupils being transported can provide a fast way to alert the CMS operator of the need for assistance to be sent.

Similar in many ways to a school bus camera system with the exception of the number of cameras and locations. In the Students with Disabilities, Special Needs Pupils who may require Wheelchair bus accommodation surveillance application, we require additional cameras due to the higher demands placed on the transporter, especially where wheelchair bus lifts or possibility those transported may have medical issues that require hands-on assistance. In these vehicles, it is a good idea to dedicate a camera to each area of interest, driver stairwell, wheelchair lift door, wheelchair stations, and general overview of the bus passengers. 

Some Students with Disabilities and Special Needs Pupils being transported will require seat belt harnesses which require the driver or aid to attach the strap and belt harness to disabled or handicapped pupils being transported in the bus. This often involves physical contact between the driver or aid and the disabled or handicapped pupils being transported in the bus, and this is where perceptions of those disabled or handicapped pupils being transported in the bus may differ from the perceptions of the driver or aid. Some harness straps may require reaching under private areas of students.

Disabled or handicapped pupils being transported in the bus may have impaired cognitive development and or maybe be under the influence of medication prescribed for a medical condition, and this may distort what they perceive is actually happening when a driver or aid straps them into their safety harness. Students with disabilities, disabled or handicapped students may experience fear or apprehension during this process and often recount events and details differently than others who may have seen the same events, so it is important to have a fact-based, impartial document of what actually happened that is not subject to bias for the driver or the student. Special needs transportation bus or short bus (minibus on truck frame) applications may benefit from the added documentation from a multi-camera onboard security surveillance observation camera system to make it possible to verify or disprove abuse that might have been perceived or reported. In the Special Needs vehicle surveillance application as well as Paratransit Bus, we require additional cameras due to the higher demands placed on the transporter, wheelchair lifts, or the possibility those transported may have medical issues that require hands-on assistance. In these vehicles, it is a good idea to dedicate a camera to each area of interest, Driver stairwell, Lift door, wheelchair stations, and general overview of the bus passengers. 

SD4FHC Cellular System Pricing:

SD4FHC-1 …1-Camera Video Streaming  Special Needs Student Bus Camera Surveillance $1,100 - $1,200
SD4FHC-2 …2-Camera Video Streaming  Special Needs Student Bus Camera Surveillance $1,200 - $1,300
SD4FHC-3 …3-Camera Live View Streaming  Pupil Transportation School Bus Video Safety  $1,300 - $1,400
SD4FHC-4 …4-Camera Live View Streaming  Pupil Transportation School Bus Video Safety $1,400 - $1,500
Testudo Lifetime System Warranty optional
SD4FH System PDF              Reseller Pricing

Photo Gallery 4G Live View Cellular Screenshots