Claims made against a child by another child can be complicated to disprove or verify as children often hose sides and click when questioned by school administration or police. The lies they may choose to may cause the district not to punish those participating and guilty of bullying other children in the school bus transport applications.

While children are on the school buses, the district is responsible for their safe transport, and having your child assaulted by bullies on the school bus may cause several additional problems and liability to the district when it is reported multiple times and no action is taken to protect those claiming it.

This is no different from the myriad or other mobile vehicle video applications we provide solutions for, including:

Forklift HD Industrial Operator, Safety Camera Systems, may not involve school bus bullying, but company employees can often encourage other employees to do things they should not be doing that are not only dangerous but against company policy. Some companies have suffered tragic losses in life and property damage due next unsafe misuse of industrial lift trucks, and so they have installed Forklift operator safety video camera recording systems to record what happens on the lift truck and, in some cases, live view the forklift camera recorder files when in the wi-fi network on their office PC.

5th Wheel Terminal Tractor, Shunt Truck CS1 Spotter Yard Mule Camera systems now sold can help the yard mule trailer swapping operators do their jobs without constant oversight. When problems occur, they can be quickly reviewed to determine if they made mistakes due to the events or incident.

Police Patrol Wagon Suspect, Prisoner & Inmate in-custody Transport Camera systems such as the type used in prison buses or suspect transport can record incidents of those who might be threatened by others to say or do things that violate the law. Like school bus bullying, those acts of threatening and bullying can be reviewed later for review.

Paratransit Driver Safety Video Camera Surveillance Systems offer expert digital eye witness in case of incidents or events which can include harassment, abuse, or bullying from both the drivers to the passengers or passenger to passenger.

Elderly Day Care Shuttle and assisted Living Transportation Vehicle Video Camera systems can provide peace of mind when elderly patients may make claims of bullying by the transport company staff or other patients or passengers. Many elderly are on prescription medication that can impair their perception, and it is possible for them to feel bullied and threatened.

Should you have any questions or concerns or require more information about Testudo Lifetime School Bus Camera System Warranty School Bus Camera Systems, various applications or Affordable School Bus Student Transportation Video Camera Recorder configurations, please let us know. We will be happy to offer our 35+ years of market experience in sales and service of digital recording devices to respond to your concerns or questions.