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School Bus Fleet Management of Risk & Deterrence

Why do school district transportation managers and Safety directors purchase School Bus Surveillance Camera systems of their fleet of school buses?
There are several reasons that will be discussed as to why cameras for school buses has become one o fthe most common accessories to the school bus fleet.

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School Bus Cameras Can Disprove False Texting Claims

Public school bus drivers, charter bus drivers, and contractor Pupil Transportation School Bus drivers are often accused of doing things they should not do, such as texting while driving a school bus. When these claims or accusations include breaking state or federal laws, state laws as well as local district guidelines, there needs to be a mechanism to verify or dispute those claims.

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School Bus Cameras Help Prevent Vaping On School Buses

Pupil transportation be it a contract carrier or public or private school bus transporting students to and from school, have a new underage child vaping issue to deal with.

While children vaping on school buses may not be as severe as gang-related assaults or school bus bullying of students, this is a concern as underage vaping is a crime. The laws are clear on who can vape and there are age restrictions generally excluding everyone still riding a school bus to and from school.

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