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School Bus Camera Public Notice Warning Decals

In our current litigious culture, where we make great efforts to accommodate those few intolerant who seem offended by history, culture, and generally, everything anyone who does not fall in lockstep with their belief structure, the Rule of Law is often twisted and contorted like a Bavarian Pretzle to accommodate the masses. There are basic guidelines for determining what is private and what is public, but often, it is advisable to go far above and beyond the legal understanding to accommodate those zealots in our society who violate reason and rely on more extreme interpretations of their delusional reality.

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School Bus Driver Protection From False Claims

School bus drivers are essential in the pupil transportation operation of a school district. Without those willing to take on the unbelievable risk of transporting other people’s children to and from school, we would have long ago closed public schools due to their high cost and low education ranking of children as compared to other countries in the world, instead switching to online education via home school for children in their homes.
It is essential that drivers be protected from unnecessary risks associated with transporting children, and this is where School Bus Camera Recorders can help.

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School Bus Camera Tampering and Detection

Children have been monitored for decades, and their behaviors are recorded on school bus security observation cameras installed on school buses.
For decades, children and school bus drivers have been tampering with these systems in the hopes of getting away with something they do not want recorded.

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School Bus Camera Customer Loyalty DVR Technology Upgrade

School bus camera technology has progressed throughout the last three decades, and I have been selling and servicing them.
The school bus camera DVR technology is so good that most cameras now come with a 10-Year Camera Warranty standard, and we offer a Testudo Lifetime System Warranty for those who never want to pay for the originally purchased part again. DVRs are the weak link in the cameras for school bus applications, and we now have a way to help manage that service life situation and for schools to save money when they fail.

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School Bus Fleet Management of Risk & Deterrence

Why do school district transportation managers and Safety directors purchase School Bus Surveillance Camera systems of their fleet of school buses?
There are several reasons that will be discussed as to why cameras for school buses has become one o fthe most common accessories to the school bus fleet.

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School Bus Cameras or School Bus Seatbelts?

What is the best choice for limited-funded school districts to help enhance the safety of the children riding their buses? Do low-cost school bus video camera systems or seat belts do more to enhance the safety of the children on the school buses?

For decades, there have been discussions and those calling for the use of seat belts to be worn on school buses in order to enhance child safety for school bus passengers. We require them in passenger cars and they are proven to save lives, so why not in school buses as well is the general rationale.
In the interest of full disclosure, American Bus Video Inc. does not sell seatbelts, but we do provide affordable school bus cameras and Lifetime Warranty School Bus Cameras.

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School Bus Cameras with GPS Can Verify Student Pickups and Drop-offs

In the low-cost school bus camera transportation market, there are many times when claims of when a bus stopped and when it picked up or dropped off students might have been made.
Affordable School Bus Camera solutions with passive GPS (no sue fees) offer a built-in means of documenting and verifying or disputing any claims that may be made.

From when they start the bus to when they drop off the last student, bus drivers have been reported to arrive early at the stop or late. In both cases, the children are often not there to get on the bus, and the child misses the bus for the day, causing school officials to contact the parents. With new regulations tying students in school time to federal funding, missing school in unexcused absence can often lead to legal consequences against the student and the parents.

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Why You Do Not Want VLS School Bus Tracking In A School Bus Video System

VLS, or Vehicle Location System, is a real-time way to track the location of a school bus or other vehicle. When you invest in a mobile video camera recording system with the option of including a real-time live streaming GPS option with live GPS tracking, you have a cellular connection that permits you to use your PC or smartphone to track your school buses or other fleet vehicles. This article discusses the pros and cons of such a system incorporated into your school bus video camera surveillance systems.

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