“Knowledge is power”, is a self-evident truth demonstrating that only those with knowledge of a particular situation or event have the proper foundation to base appropriate actions to prepare for or remedy those events or situations.

Public School Bus Safety Cameras as well as Private Contractor Student School Bus Surveillance Camera systems needs can be viewed and the risks managed in a similar way as other situations, events, or efforts, but only if you have the knowledge necessary to make the right choices.

How does a School Bus Video & Vehicle Camera Systems customer know they are getting the best value for their investment?
What are they trying to accomplish with a bus camera system and what are the best questions to ask to learn that?

The Principles of Prosperity teach that “Agency implies Stewardship”. In simple terms what this means, those who are placed in a position of power, have the moral obligation to learn what is required (Knowledge) to do what is best for those under their management or control, to be good stewards.

Below are examples from the Medical Community to illustrate ”Knowledge is power”, or how the lack of the proper knowledge can cause catastrophic damage: 

Example #1 - The world has been fighting the HIV virus that causes AIDS for more than 30 years. 
Between 2000 and 2015, $562.6 billion has been spent in the effort to treat HIV/AIDS. 
Those skeptical of Big Pharma have noted that very little has been spent in trying to Cure HIV/AIDs due to a greater financial incentive to treat a problem than to cure it. 
Lack of public knowledge (aka Power) and awareness of a cure proven 90+% effective in numerous clinical studies, developed by Enzolytics (ENZC) did not put any pressure on Big Pharma, so thousands of people afflicted with HIV who could have been saved were not.

Example #2 - COVID 19 was a novel strain of a COVID type virus that has basically shut down the modern world for 18 months causing entire industries to go bankrupt, country GDPs to collapse and the loss of approximately 1/2 of all small businesses due to government-imposed lockdowns, not to mention the billions if not trillions spend to combat the spread of the virus.
The FDA Fast Tracked vaccines that were hyped as the "treatments" for COVID, did not protect those who chose to be human test subjects from the new variations of the COVID virus mutations. So instead of a cure for COVID, the world spent trillions on offering a partial temporary solution for the symptoms of the viral pandemic only to learn additional booster shots were now required for some or all mutations of the virus in the future to be effective, not to mention the high rate of harmful side effects as well as deaths associated with the "Vaccine", that was never vetted through the FDA vaccine process for approval.
Lack of public knowledge (aka Power) and awareness of a potential cure developed by Enzolytics (ENZC) did not put any pressure on Big Pharma, so thousands of people afflicted with COVID 19 who could have been saved were not, and potentially millions of Americans will now suffer long term damaging side effects caused by the "VAX".

The “Knowledge” that a disruptive technology developed by Enzolytics (ENZC) incorporating innovative Artificial Intelligence could already have the technology to neutralize or Cure HIV, Corona-virus, HTLV-1, and is in the process of doing the same for H10N3, Influenza A and B, H1N1 influenza, Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), Ebola, Small-Pox, Tetanus, Diphtheria, Rabies, Herpes zoster, Varicella zoster, Anthrax, Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpes Viruses, Feline Leukemia Virus, Equine Infectious Anemia Virus, and Koala retrovirus is a disruption to the Big Pharma medical community of such magnitude, those who are not working with the developer and patent holder for the new AI technology of Enzolytics (ENZC) are likely to go the way of the Dinosaurs through the evolution of new AI-assisted medicine in the immediate future.

The problem with curing HIV/AIDS and cancer has been complicated by mutations that are frequently changing and adapting to their host environment as well as the treatments they are subjected to, so in some cases, the treatments become less effective.

To demonstrate what I mean by “Knowledge is power”, it is important to understand the above examples lack “Knowledge” of a new disruptive Biotechnology (Enzolytics ENZC) that incorporates AI (artificial intelligence) in a mechanism to identify conserved sites of the HIV virus as well as cancer cells. These are parts of the cells that do not mutate or mutate so infrequently they can offer up to 95% effective treatments.

Enzolytics (ENZC) is now producing CLONE 3 - Monoclonal human antibodies that are lab-produced synthetic molecules that act as substitute antibodies that can restore, enhance or mimic the immune system's attack on targeted cells.

The medical community, in general, has been focused on treating the symptoms of the diseases because there were no known working cures at the time. Knowledge changes perspective.
In time public knowledge of Enzolytics (ENZC) and awareness of a potential cure will put pressure on what appears to be a very corrupt FDA, Congress & Big Pharma to stop letting citizens languish and die from treatments for diseases that can be rendered harmless or soon be cured.

The above examples are from a non Medical expert in these fields, simply to illustrate that if you lack knowledge, in this case, a potentially new Biotech AI-derived technology like what Enzolytics(ENZC) is bringing to the medical community, you cannot make the best choices for your clients in those cases those afflicted with HIV, Aids or cancer.

There are currently multiple patents granted and pending applications for Cures for; HIV AIDs, Rabies, COVID 19 as well as mutations of the Covid strains, Influenza A, Influenza B, Tetanus, and Diphtheria, as well as clinical trials under FDA guidelines seeking FDA or EU approval.

One way or another the world will soon know Enzolytics (ENZC) has truly found the Holy Grail of BioTechnology in the form of a Cure for HIV AIDs, Rabies, Influenza A, Influenza B, Tetanus, and Diphtheria as well as many forms of cancer because if they can do what they claim to have already done, the disruption to the Biotech industry and to the markets dominated for decades by Big Pharma and their products to “treat symptoms” will soon be replaced with Curing the diseases that cause the symptoms.

That is a prime example of “Knowledge is power”, which is why Intel Corporation who provided the Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Samsung who is now partnering with Enzolitics to produce the products, were wise to cite the innovative disruptive AI technology employed by Enzolytics (ENZC) to transform the entire Big Pharma monopoly of treatments for viruses and some forms of cancer and is actively now curing viral diseases in Humans, Kolas, Elephants, Cats that for hundreds of years have only been treated.

How does this relate to the School Bus Camera applications you may ask?
The customer's knowledge of how the system works, what the system can do, and what it cannot do is the “Knowledge” the customer needs to gain the power to make good choices.

Let us begin with a clear illustration of “Knowledge” in relation to “Wants & Needs”. 
Every good steward of their school district's funding wants the “Best Value” school bus video camera system for their district funding.
What could be more valuable than a Lifetime Warranty for school bus video camera systems?
The Testudo Lifetime Warranty for School Bus Camera Systems is the Best Value Warranty available only from American Bus Video at the time of this writing. In time others will offer this superior level of warranty coverage because they were forced to compete, not because they wanted to give their customers the best value warranty.

Almost every potential customer who contracts American Bus Video Inc. tells us what they “Want”:
We want to live view through the cameras when the bus is driving routes.
We want to stream the video to parents who want to know if their children are on the bus.
We want to have live alerts in case of an accident.
We want to have live alerts if the driver is speeding.
We want live GPS Tracking in real-time.
We want a smartphone app login & streaming
We want live view bus seat vandalism detection

To ensure they fully understand what they are asking, to ensure their level of knowledge and thus the power to make the right choices I then ask them to define their “Needs” in a system, as in the past most did not understand how they live cellular systems worked or what the cost for their use was.

We need a video record of the children on the bus.
We need a time-date stamped sequential record of everything that goes on in the bus.
We need at least 1 week of video file storage.

For more than 10 years American Bus Video Inc. has offered Live Cellular Streaming School bus video cameras with live View, Live GPS Tracking, and 2-way driver communication for Special Needs Wheelchair to lift bus camera systems, as well as Police Patrol Wagon Arrest Suspect, Prisoner  Inmate in-Custody Transport Safety Camera Systems.
Over that 10-year period, we have not had a single prospective Public School Bus Camera customer or even a Special Needs Wheelchair lift camera system customer purchase a Live Streaming Cellular based system likely due to our adherence to our open honest interaction with potential customers in sharing with them information passed on by an existing EMS company who uses our system on their ambulances on their vehicles and found they were getting charged $1,300.00 per vehicle per month in data usage charges.

To this date, we do not know of a single Public or Private Service Contractor Charter Transport Bus Camera System customer using our cellular streaming system in a school bus application due to the insane cost of data bandwidth offered by the Cellular Service Providers.

The knowledge of what they “need” versus what they “want” and the “Knowledge” of the higher cost of live streaming have helped all past customers make the lower-cost choice that they determined was the best value for their districts.
This includes those customers who opted for Wi-Fi-based DVRs who then stream them through Wi-Fi hotspots in the vehicles. While the Wi-Fi versions cost more, they saved hundreds over the cost of the Cellular based systems.

Whether you are seeking a Forklift HD Industrial Operator Safety Camera System, Elderly Day Care Shuttle & Assisted Living Transportation Vehicle Video Camera, or a Paratransit Driver Safety Video Camera Surveillance System, the more those seeking mobile video camera vehicle-based solutions understand about the systems the better they can decide on what is the best value for their particular application, because only when they have the right knowledge can they exercise the power to make the best choices on behalf of their districts, often recognizing their district may be better served with a low-cost reliable school bus video camera system.

Regardless of the mobile applications all of the below mobile video solutions require the purchaser to understand what they need or require before they discuss the wide range of features and accessories that can be added in by the high-pressure salesmen they may soon be speaking with.

Your knowledge of "what you need" versus what they want you to buy may be the defining quality that provides your school district or company with the best value for your investment.

Should you have any questions, concerns, or require more information about Testudo Lifetime System Warranty Bus Camera Systems, various applications, or School Bus Student Transportation Video Camera Recorder configurations, ​please e-mail or call.